1. My organizational system is constantly evolving as well!!! And I am in love with those drawers too! I bought some a few weeks ago to go inside my cabinets and oh my goodness, they are amazing!!!! I want to go out and buy more but I don't know if I have the space!!! haha Love your fabulous organizational system, as always!! I so wish I could have tables instead of desks. Maybe next year I'll be able to talk my principal into it. ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. It is the time of year where snow should become nonexistent, at least that's what I think. Lol I am from Missouri and it has been in the 30's but we haven't had much snow. I am SOOO ready for spring. Tomorrow is suppose to be in the 50's, so I am happy. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I love how organized you are and your labels are super cute. I also love that you have them in separate sections fo the room. That is so something I would do.
    Thanks for sharing. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Your snow pictures are soooooo pretty! And I think I'm freezing here in CA with a high of 60. Seriously. Today was windy and cold and I had to wear my Uggs. (I was off school. But I would still wear them.)
    Love your storage ideas! We have desks so I don't need it for that . . . but my "turn in" tray gets a constant traffic jam. I'm wondering if I could adapt your idea as a turn in tray for each table group somehow . . . my wheels are turning.
    I hope to see some stools in the next two weeks or so!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Kristen–I have these labels and drawers (not the exact ones) going in my room thanks to you, and I love them! the ones I bought have 3 drawers each, so I spaced them out right away, and that has helped a lot. We do have desks, but more things to put in them than can possibly fit. Thank you 100x over for sharing these labels–I love them, and I love that I don't have to change them next year because they are numbered.

    Like you, I go through a major urge to redecorate at this time of year. I think it's because the shiny, pristine glow of everything from August has disappeared, and the type A in me needs to gain control and fix it up, of course making it pretty in the process!

    We're on snow day #2 here in CT. So pretty ๐Ÿ™‚ Stay warm.

  5. I always love the updates and pictures of your room. ๐Ÿ™‚ As always your brilliant. ๐Ÿ™‚ I am thinking about this for next year. Just not sure if I really have a need for it. Jsut love how it looks in your room. LOL

  6. Oh my goodness, the organization in this post makes my OCD heart swoon! You have totally nailed it! Want to come organize my home office?

    Jennifer Smith-Sloane

  7. A classroom is never completely finished, is it? This was such a smart idea and I know it is going to help with the traffic jams. Thanks for sharing the beautiful snow pictures! We hardly ever see snow around here and it makes me a teensy jealous:)

  8. I feel like I was never done with my classroom setup- I'm still not entirely happy with it! I am putting those on my wishlist for my classroom next year because I can totally see how they would make my life easier.

    Everyone deServes to Learn

  9. I totally wish we had snow…I love the snow but we have only had a few inches here this year! I love how organized you are! I am considering using this idea if I ever have to go back to tables. I was one of two teachers who were lucky enough to get desks this year! You never know what next year will bring. I totally know what you mean about a second wave of buying classroom stuff! I am thinking about my theme for next year already and I am completely changing it for the first time in 3 years! I decided it was time for a change! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Simply amazing!! I bought the smaller ones and store all of our writing supplies for the class.

    Oh, we had snow and howling wind!! Portland, Maine had 31.9 inches and just a couple of hours away where I live we had 19.4.

    It's in the 30's today and will be for the week so I'm sure the snow won't last long. If it does, I'll be thinking about a vacation to some where warm!!


    1. That storm was crazy, huh? I'm glad it's warmer for you today! The sun is shining here…we're supposed to get some kind of icy mix tomorrow though :/

  11. Can you come organize my room for me? You have such great ideas and I'm really terrible at organization. Quick question — Is that one set of drawers in the photo or several stacked together?
    That snow looks so pretty. We didn't get any in Tennessee. It's warm right now bu it's supposed to rain for the next 4 days. Inside playtime — Ugh!

    Swimming into Second

    1. Hey Courtney, thanks!! The drawers are in sets of three, so I stacked them that way, it's the perfect height for my room. But you could stack them in different formations.

  12. I can never look at those labels enough. I simply love them. And what a great idea to have the drawers spaced out around the room. Perfect solution to the traffic flow problem. Awesome!

    Teaching in Room 6

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