1. Hi Kristen,

    I just tried all of your suggestions and it’s still not working. I even tried on both my laptop and Chromebook. Oh well; thanks for trying!


    1. Hi Lori!

      Ok, one more idea that MIGHT actually work for you! So follow the same steps as above to set the different colors. Then, go to the first word in your list and type another word right next to it (no spaces). Highlight this new word and set it to black. Then delete the colorful word you typed first and the black text will take it’s place. If this works, you should be able to type over it again and reuse in the future.

      I hope that makes sense! And I hope it helps!

  2. I love this (and all of your tips & tricks!), but must be doing something wrong because when I try to change the font to black, it changes the check box as well. I’ve tried double clicking and just highlighting, but neither works. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    1. Hi Lori,

      Thank you so much! I wonder why it’s doing that? Can you try highlighting the word from beginning to end (if you haven’t yet) or from the end of the word to the beginning to see if that works instead? If you have a chance, please let me know how it goes. I hope that helps!

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