1. I am still confused on how to select a color scheme for my google drive folders. When I select the sub folders and click organize it does not give me the option to select add hue.

    1. Hi Melanie, thanks for reaching out about this! It’s not showing any colors when you click on Organize (under the three dots)?

  2. What would you suggest for a Head of School? One thought I used to use was to create a folder for each letter of the alphabet. I could number place a number by each letter I suppose. I have so many different areas that I have folders for so Iโ€™m trying to imagine how I can apply this method since I do not have specific subjects that I teach anymore.
    Thanks in advance.


    1. Hi Michelle! I think the alphabet idea sounds great! I am not in the same position as you but I would probably have some basic folder categories first (like classrooms, parents, etc.) and then sub folders within. But you would know best in your position! It does help me to sketch out a folder hierarchy sometimes so I can visualize it first. I hope this helps a bit. Thanks so much for reading!

  3. Thank you SO much for sharing the actual colors you used for these… I have the hardest time with the way Google has these colors arranged!

    1. Hi Jes! Yes, totally agree! It takes so much trial and error to see what looks good together. I’m so glad this helps…thanks for reading!

  4. I found this very helpful. I was really looking for how to organize sub-folders and your article indirectly addressed that and gave me other great ideas.
    1) I had numbered my main folders just by typing numbers, but now I’m going to try your excellent visually appealing number idea.
    2) I’ve tried symbols on my main folder names but it looks cluttery to me when my main folders are also already color-coded. But I love the idea of the symbols at the subfolder level.
    3) Your subfolders are all the same color as the main folder they fall under but are differentiated by a symbol. Yes!
    4) I saw another video with the symbol idea (but not at the subfolder level!) and they suggested emojipedia. I don’t know if you tried that for that book symbol you so wanted. Just a thought.

    Thanks so much. You had the best ideas I found for organizing down to the subfolder level. Thanks!

    1. Hi Lori! Thanks so much for sharing all of this and for reading!! I didn’t know about Emojipedia back in the day when I first wrote this post. And I do agree with you, I find emojis cluttery-looking at times!!

      Thanks again for all you shared!

      Happy Summer!

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