1. LOVE THEM! Your room probably looks so so so amazing with all of those labels. I just need every label you have…do you have a whole file of them? Humm….you need to make one! πŸ˜‰

    Teaching in Room 6

  2. The new and improved Really Good Stuff bins come with a "stablilizer wing" that helps them stay up. It's literally another piece of plastic on the bottom that sticks out to the side and keeps them standing strong! When I ordered a second class set this year, I got those and I love them! My old ones (like you have) still want to fall down but I have the kids keep them in a certain spot next to their desk leg bar and their chair leg bar and they are fine.

    I really like what you did with yours though! How smart!
    My Life as a Third Grade Teacher

  3. Ohmagoodness, the pic of your orange and blue books in their orange and blue bins is my moment of zen today πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    I have similar bins from RGS but they have the stabilizer thingys on the side so they don't tip, but that wing thing pops off pretty easily and that gets annoying πŸ™ The big ol' textbooks I store on their side on a shelf and (lucky me!) their spines are teal so they match my classroom- ha! Love it when that all comes together! Unfortunately, they are dry as dirt, so they will probably stay there most of the year πŸ˜‰ Shhh…. don't tell! πŸ˜‰

    3rd Grade Thoughts

  4. Look at you, at it again! I'm loving these. My kiddos keep their books in their cubbies, but after seeing this, I may rethink my organization. Hope your week is still ok πŸ™‚

  5. I have these bins, and you are totally right… They don't stay standing up!! Totally annoying! I only have a few, so I'm not sure what ill do with them, but at least they'll have lovely labels πŸ™‚

    Fifth in the Middle

  6. Each team in my classroom shares a crate. The crate fits all 10 texts (Reading and Math) – 5 kids per crate. The person that sits next to the crate has to be responsible to pass the books down the table until they get to the correct person, and to keep the crate nice and neat when they get passed back. It works since there is no way to fit all the hardback books in their desks.

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